As a research project with public sector partners and shareholders, ASCR is subject to high standards with regard to cost effectiveness. In order to make the best possible use of synergy effects, ASCR also conducts its research within the framework of projects financed by national or European funds. Collaborations with other partners such as the Vienna University of Technology or the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) ensure that ASCR’s specialist expertise is not limited to specific research questions and can be applied to a broad spectrum of issues.

Contact Democenter

For further information please contact:

Oliver Juli

Current projects

Projects completed

Smart Cities Demo Aspern (SCDA)

The showcase project Smart Cities Demo Aspern (SCDA) has been running since 2014 and has a budget of EUR 8 million. The Austrian Climate and Energy Fund is supporting the SCDA project with grants totalling EUR 3.7 million. The three-year project involves around 120 people, with research being conducted…

Integrated network information systems (INIS)

The INIS project runs from 2014 to 2017 and is receiving funding totalling EUR 1.8 million from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). INIS develops methods and processes based on smart meters and sensor data for network analysis in order to achieve improvements…

Flexible AC distribution systems (FACDS)

The FACDS project is due to run for 30 months (until August 2018), with some EUR 1.1 million of funding from the Climate and Energy Fund. It defines useful functions of future decentralised storage systems in electrical distribution networks through simulation validation at the system and component levels,…