The project aims at changing the role of buildings from unorganised energy consumers to active agents orchestrating and optimising their energy consumption, production and storage, with the goal of increasing energy performance, maximising occupants’ benefit, and facilitating grid operation.
Phoenix will design a portfolio of ICT solutions covering all aspects from hardware and software upgrades needed in legacy equipment and optimal deployment of sensors, to data analytics and services for both building users and energy utilities.
The tools that will result from the different work packages will offer the possibility of establishing a new framework that will enable the optimisation of the energy use and infrastructure exploitation, while at the same time facilitate the creation of new SME and Start-Up ideas to exploit new revenue streams and business opportunities.
• Provide a portfolio of ICT solutions to increase the smartness of legacy systems and appliances in existing buildings which will increase the SRI and energy efficiency.
• These improvements will translate in human-centric new services for building users.
For more information please see the Funding Project Site.
Horizon2020 – building a low-carbon, climate resilient future (EU)
PHOENIX consortium
Consortium leadership: Universidad de murcia
Project partners: Siemens Österreich, Odin Solutions, My Energia Oner, Kataskevastiki Makedonias, Elin verd anonymi etairia aeiforonproionton kai ypiresion, Gioumpitek meleti schediasmos ylopoiisi kai polisi ergon pliroforikis etaireia periorismenis efthynis, Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions, Arden Energy, Merit Consulting House, Skebit AB, Lulea Tekniska Universitet